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Marijuana Addiction
Marijuana or cannabis is a plant which produces THC, a psychoactive. It is used by indivi...
Prescription Addiction
Pharmaceutical drug abuse has become problematic in recent years. Instead of purchasing d...
Mixing drugs, whether they are illegal or prescription ones is dangerous and should mostly be avoided unless a doctor gives the ok. Some drugs are perfectly safe to take together. Others however, can be extremely dangerous, even deadly when combined. The problem is unless one’s doctor explicitly states that a particular drug should not be used with the one they prescribed, a person may have no idea which drugs they should stay away from. Because it is often not possible for a physician to list every drug that a patient should avoid, an individual’s health may be at risk if they choose to combine prescription medications with other types.
Individuals that abuse prescription drugs may mix them with either illegal or other prescription drugs in an effort to strengthen their high or to get a specific effect. Unless an individual has an in-depth knowledge of drug interactions, they run the risk of mixing drugs in such a way that it poses a danger to them self. This can even result in death.
Sometimes, simply combining an over-the-counter medication with prescription medications can cause acute toxicity and even death. Soul Singer, Gerald Levert died in this manner. He had two prescription pain relievers (Vicodin and Percocet), two tranquilizers (Valium and Xanax) and an over-the-counter anti-histamine in his blood system when he died. His death was ruled an accident. Not knowing the risk of mixing drugs, is extremely dangerous and can result in acute sickness or death.
This issue of mixing prescription medications can get even trickier because someone abusing them will likely not want to call their doctor to ask them whether or not it is safe to mix Xanax and cocaine. As a result, they often rely on friends or the internet to get answers. Sometimes the answers they come across are correct. Unfortunately, sometime they are not. Many people, however, don’t find this out until after the fact when it is too late.
The safest way to approach mixing prescription drugs is to avoid doing so without the expressed permission of one's doctor. Individuals that find themselves with an addiction to prescription medications and are thus afraid to discuss their drug use with a physician, may need to get into some sort of rehab program ASAP (as soon as possible), to avoid a potential deadly interaction.
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