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Amphetamines are powerful stimulants. They improve the synaptic activity of two important...
Heroin is derived from the poppy plant. It is an opiate and is synthesized with morphine....
A. What is a speedball? A speedball is a dangerous mixture of cocaine and heroin. When these two drugs are taken together, they not only put a huge amount of strain on the heart, but they also “confuse” it. One drug, cocaine, is encouraging it to speed up and the other, heroin, is telling it to slow down. Sometimes, the heart gets off of rhythm and the user dies. Two famous persons who have succumbed due to a speedball are John Belushi (comedian and musician) and River Phoenix (actor).
B. Is heroin addicting? Yes, heroin is extremely addicting. Individuals may develop a tolerance and dependency to it really fast. After only a few uses, one may begin to experience withdrawal symptoms once they attempt to quit. Individuals with an addiction to heroin will need to get help. A reputable drug rehabilitation program can be an excellent place to begin. It can be dangerous for users to suddenly stop taking heroin. Instead, it may be necessary to taper off of heroin or to be administered a drug such as methadone so that individuals are able to safely stop using.
C. Is heroin dangerous? Yes, heroin is dangerous. It has one of the highest overdose death rates of all drugs. Users face both short term and long term risk. Long term use can cause pulmonary problems, infections of the heart lining and death.
D. What happens when a person overdoses on heroin? In the worst case scenario, the person will die. In the best case scenario, they will only need medical attention. It may also be necessary for that individual to enter drug rehabilitation. Inpatient rehab is generally best because it allows the addict to get the attention and support that they need. Because heroin is physically addicting, it can be very difficult to stop using without outside help. Detoxification and rehab may both be needed.
E. Where do I get help for my addiction to heroin? Detoxification and drug rehab may be the best ways for individuals to overcome their addiction to heroin. Both may be required. Detoxification helps a person get the drug out of their system and rehab deals mostly with the mental side of the addiction. Some rehab programs will offer detoxification services as well.
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Some individuals are so severely addicted to a substan...
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Individuals in need of drug and/or alcohol related hea...
Our database includes a vast number of mental health &...
We have compiled an extensive listing of outpatient dr...