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LSD Acid
LSD is a popular psychedelic drug. It is referred to on the streets by a number of names including acid, mellow yellow, blotter acid and dots. In the United States, it is a Schedule 1 drug. Drugs classified as such are those that have a high potential for addiction and abuse and have no noted medical uses in the United States. Schedule 1 drugs will often result in the most severe punishments. These typically carry the harshest sentences if individuals get caught with them especially with the purpose of distribution.
Though LSD is a psychedelic drug and most people associate hallucinations and changes in the senses with its use, its effects are in fact, unpredictable. While some individuals may in fact hallucinate and are significantly affected by the drug, others will not be. When LSD does work, an individual’s personality and mood will typically change.
Users will begin to experience the effects of the drug about 30 minutes to an hour after they use it. It will generally clear the system in about 12 hours. When the drug does “work,” individuals may experience a dramatic change in their senses. They may feel like they can 'hear colors' and 'see sounds', essentially a reversal of the normal sensory experience. A person may also see things and hallucinate.
Physically, individuals may find it difficult to sleep after taking acid. They may have the shakes, dry mouth and begin to sweat. Acid may also increase the blood pressure and heart rate. Individuals that take LSD chronically and long term will experience unique effects. This might include flashbacks of past LSD use. They are also at risk of becoming depressed, experience psychosis and even schizophrenia.
Even though LSD isn't considered a physically addictive drug, it can be psychologically addicting. Some people may feel compelled to use the drug even when they recognize the associated dangers. Most people won’t require rehab in order to so stop using LSD, though some might. Those that do may find that outpatient rehabilitation is effective. It will give users the opportunity to speak with a trained drug counselor about their addiction and develop strategies to avoid the use and abuse of LSD.
LSD is a well-known psychedelic drug that was synthesized in 1938 by a chemist named Albert Hofmann. Today, LSD is a noted street drug that comes in the form of tablets, capsules and liquid. It is sold mostly via blotter paper. LSD is a Schedule 1 drug. Classifications of this type in the United States include drugs which have the potential to easily be abused and for which there are no utilized medical purposes. Other examples of Schedule One drugs in the United Sta...
LSD is often an unpredictable drug. While some individuals, sometimes, will report experiences of hallucinations, open and closed eye visuals and the like, others may not or they might not every time they use LSD. LSD is not considered as dangerous a many other illegal drugs such as cocaine, heroin or crack. Death due to LSD overdose is extremely rare and requires substantial amounts of the drug. This is not to say that overdosing might not be uncomfortable or even deadly becaus...
LSD is a psychedelic drug that was synthesized in the 1930s by a chemist named Albert Hofmann. Today, it is a street drug that people take in order to have an “out of this world” experience. Users may experience open and closed eye visuals, hallucinations, and a distorted sense of time. LSD is not considered addicting. Though people may enjoy taking it, they generally do not feel an extreme compulsion to take the drug like those who use heroin or cocaine, do. However, this...
Combining drugs with one another can be incredibly risky. Because most drug users aren’t doctors and/or chemists, they often don’t know what combinations can be dangerous (or deadly) and at what doses. Many drug users are depending upon friends and acquaintances that are often also drug users for advice in this area. This typically isn’t the best approach. However, because most people won’t feel comfortable asking their doctors about illegal drug combinations, ...
In the United States, unless a person has a DEA license, it is illegal to possess or distribute LSD. It is classified as Schedule I drug. Schedule I drugs have a high potential for abuse. They also have no medical use or purpose in the United States and lastly, they are not safe to consume even under medical supervision. Drugs which fall under this classification typically result in the harshest legal punishments, i.e., jail sentencing, probation or court appointed rehab.