Mason-city, Iowa Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers and Rehab Programs

Are you looking for Mason-city, Iowa Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers? Our listing below can help.

Drug Rehabs and Addiction Treatment in Mason-city, Iowa

Facility Name Treatment Type Location Details
Prairie Ridge Alcohol and Drug Screening,Halfway Houses,Outpatient Rehab,Alcohol and Drug Rehabs,Wellness Centers, Mason City, iowa Details

Option #1: Browse by Provider / Facility Type

Alcohol and Drug Screening

In this section of our website, users will find a vast...

Addiction Counseling Centers

Users will be able to find nationwide listings of addi...

Detoxification Centers

Persons looking for a local drug and alcohol detoxific...

Long Term Treatment

Some individuals are so severely addicted to a substan...

Halfway Houses

Individuals looking to locate halfway houses & sober l...

Health and Assistance

Individuals in need of drug and/or alcohol related hea...

Mental Health

Our database includes a vast number of mental health &...

Outpatient Rehab

We have compiled an extensive listing of outpatient dr...