

Primary Focus: General health servicesServices Provided: Substance abuse treatmentType of Care: OutpatientPayment Assistance: Payment assistance (Check with facility for details)Special Language Services: ASL or other assistance for hearing impairedpagepar


Physical Description

Pictures of Central Valley Indian Health Program in Clovis

Facility Pictures coming soon!

Have any questions? For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us today

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Central Valley Indian Health Program
20 North Dewitt Street Clovis , california

We Are Located In

Clovis - california

Contact Information

Main Phone #:(559) 299-2634x145


Company Information

Primary Focus: General health servicesServices Provided: Substance abuse treatmentType of Care: OutpatientPayment Assistance: Payment assistance (Check with facility for details)Special Language Services: ASL or other assistance for hearing impairedpagepar!