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Steroids do have legitimate medical purposes. Some ailments and conditions can be improved with steroid use for example, asthma. However, they can and are often times abused. Individuals looking to improve their athletic strength and looks may begin to abuse steroids. Steroids are not only used by those in a certain age groups or segments of the population. They are used by those even in their adolescent and teen years. Often times, such persons will take them in order to improve their performance athletically. Steroids give individuals the ability to workout harder and recover faster which can be an advantage to those participating in the athletic arena.
There are a number of dangers associated with steroid addiction. Those who use them are at risk of developing what is known as ‘roid’ rage. This is where a person becomes extremely angry, aggressive and often times violent after even very little provocation. Many people have heard stories about persons who are addicted to steroids or who simply use them, becoming violent to those around, even their family members and friends. Persons with a steroid dependency also risk developing heart problems and severe acne. Men may find that their sexual organs shrink and a woman’s may grow in an unnatural manner.
Many people who abuse steroids purchase them online and turn to web sites to learn how and when to use them most effectively. This information is sometimes incorrect and can cause harm to those that follow it.
Steroid use is quite common in the body building community. Individuals who compete against others based on their muscle size, definition and mass may rely on steroids so that they can be competitive. However, these aren’t the only types of individuals who use them. Besides athletes and body builder competitors, regular people use steroids in order to help themselves look younger, more fit and also to gain strength. As stated above, a steroid addiction can be very dangerous and even deadly. Individuals that use them in an abusive manner run the risk of damaging their body and becoming violent to those around them. It is important for such individuals to seek help for their steroid addiction immediately.