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Ketamine is a drug primarily used as an animal anesthetic though it can also be used for ...
Marijuana Addiction
Marijuana or cannabis is a plant which produces THC, a psychoactive. It is used by indivi...
There are both legal and illegal amphetamines. Examples of the former include Vyvanse, Dexedrine, Adderall and Benzedrine. These are obviously legal to use when prescribed by a physician. However, individuals who consume them and have not been prescribed them are acting illegally. It is also illegal for anyone other then a doctor, nurse or pharmacists to distribute prescription amphetamines. Drug dealers or those who actually have a prescription, that sells these drugs to others are doing so unlawfully.
As mentioned above, there are illegal amphetamines. The most well known are speed and methamphetamine. Both will increase a user’s energy levels, as well as their heart beat and heart rate. Methamphetamine is considered the more dangerous of the two. It is very addicting and tends to have a tremendous, negative affect on the user. Individuals are at risk of quickly developing an addiction, and experience rapid physical and mental degeneration. Individuals busted with meth, for the purpose of using or selling it, may be prosecuted.
Amphetamine, including methamphetamine, is classified as a Schedule 2 drug. Drugs in this class are potentially abusive (both physically and psychologically) but have some legitimate, medical uses. When used medicinally, they are prescribed with significant restrictions. Other drugs classified in this manner include opium, cocaine, Fentanyl and morphine.
Amphetamines are central nervous stimulants. They are very powerful and are used to treat a number of ailments, such as narcolepsy and ADHD. When amphetamines, such as Adderall are prescribed for the aforementioned conditions and taken by those whom the drugs have been prescribed for, this is perfectly legal. However, when these drugs are given or sold to individuals who do not have a prescription, this is illegal.
Just as there are legal amphetamines, there are also illegal ones. The most notable are speed and methamphetamine. Both of these are powerful stimulants and can land users and distributers in jail. Amphetamines, including methamphetamine, are Schedule 2 drugs. This is a class of drugs that are potentially addicting, both physically and psychologically. Though they have legitimate medical reasons, there use for this purpose is restricted. Those caught with these types of drugs without a prescription, either using or selling them, could face jail time, court-appointed rehab or probation.
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