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Prescription Drugs
Pharmaceutical drug abuse has become increasingly problematic in recent years. Instead of...
Xanax Addiction
Xanax is a benzodiazepine the central nervous system.It is generally prescribed to indivi...
Hawaii is made up of several primary islands and more than 1000 islets. The same drugs that can found on the mainland can also be found in Hawaii. Marijuana, heroin, cocaine, crack and methamphetamine are the predominant drugs. Many of them are smuggled into the islands via boat and air craft. They may also be sent through the postal system.
Powder cocaine can be found throughout the islands and is one of the most abused drugs in Hawaii. The same is true for marijuana and heroin. The majority of cocaine trafficked on the islands is done so by African-American, Samoan and Mexican drug trafficking organizations. Many of these organizations have contacts or originate from Mexico, California and Nevada.
Heroin is another one of the predominant drugs in Hawaii. It is mostly of the black tar variety and is flown in via aircraft. Heroin is found mostly in Honolulu (downtown), Chinatown and Waikiki.
Methamphetamine is the drug which poses the biggest threat to Hawaii. ‘Ice,’ the most potent form of drug, can be found quite readily. The majority of methamphetamine distributed throughout Hawaii comes from California and Mexico. Methamphetamine has been quite destructive and has resulted in the breakdown of many families in Hawaii and damaging to the local economy. Crime and violence has increased as the use of the drug has spread.
Predatory and club drugs such as ecstasy, LSD and GHB are used mostly amongst younger individuals and also those stationed on military bases. These can be obtained at bars, raves and clubs.
Hawaii has the reputation of cultivating high quality marijuana. It is grown and sold within the state and also shipped to the mainland where it is trafficked. Because of the climate, it can be grown throughout the year without interruption. Shipments of marijuana are also brought in from Canada and Mexico.
Diverted pharmaceutical drugs are pretty problematic. Hydrocodone is the one most abused. Individuals obtain this and other pharmaceuticals drugs via doctor shopping, theft, prescription forgery and from doctors who are willing to prescribe it to individuals who don’t have a medical need for it.