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Marijuana Cannabis
Marijuana is one of the most commonly used and abused drugs in the world. It is use...
Valium Addiction
Valium is a benzodiazepine that is used as a muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, a...
Cocaine can be found in just about every city in West Virginia. Crack cocaine is also readily available. It is used mostly by those in the lower to middle classes. There are no distinctions as it relates to race concerning the consumption of crack cocaine. It is abused by all ethnicities. Many rural areas of West Virginia have been adversely affected by crack cocaine addiction as there has been a lot of violence surrounding the trade.
Heroin use is concentrated mostly in the northern and central parts of West Virginia, though it can be found in other parts of the state. It is imported mostly from Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Methamphetamine abuse is a great concern. The availability and use of the drug is fairly high amongst those who use illegal drugs. Law enforcement agencies and the government have attempted to fight back by passing laws which limit how much pseudoephedrine and other precursors can be purchased by individuals.
Club drugs, especially ecstasy, can be found mostly in and around college towns, particularly Morgantown which is where West Virginia University is located. Marijuana use and availability is pretty widespread. It is imported in from other states, countries and also grown domestically.
Oxycodone and Hydrocodone based products along with Xanax and Methadone are the prescription medications which are abused most in West Virginia. Doctor shopping, buying drugs from health professionals, theft, the internet and forging prescriptions are the most common ways people are able to obtain these pharmaceuticals. Prescription drugs which are growing in popularity in West Virginia are Suboxone and Carisoprodol.