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LSD Acid
LSD is a popular psychedelic drug. It is referred to on the streets by a number of names ...
Prescription Drugs
Pharmaceutical drug abuse has become increasingly problematic in recent years. Instead of...
Just about every imaginable drug can be found in New York. The state is home to many drug trafficking organizations that control the drug trade in New York and also supply drugs to states throughout the country.
The distribution of cocaine in New York is controlled mostly by Mexican and Colombian organizations. Shipments of the drug are smuggled in a number of different ways. Vehicles such as tractor trailers ship drugs into the state. They are also shipped in via mail. Cocaine use is most problematic in western New York and also in Albany. Crack cocaine is also quite prevalent, mostly in the lower income areas, though it can also be found in the suburbs in rural parts of the state. Most times powder cocaine is shipped into New York where it is converted into crack and sold.
Dominican and Colombian drug trafficking organizations dominate the heroin trade. The heroin sold is quite pure, very addicting and poses a great threat to the state.
Meth is available throughout New York, however, less so then drugs such as crack, heroin and cocaine and ecstasy. The type of men most available is crystal meth, the more potent form of the drug. Most of the meth sold and consumed in New York comes from Mexico and also California. However, in certain parts of this state, particularly, upstate, most of the meth is manufactured in small labs.
Ecstasy is the predominant club drug in New York. It can be found in all parts of the state. Most of it comes from Canada, Belgium and the Netherlands. Marijuana is also readily used. It is smuggled in from Mexico, Canada and Jamaica. There is also the indoor cultivation of marijuana. This is typically more potent and considered a high grade. Steroid use is also problematic in New York. Many people purchase them over the Internet.
Khat is a drug that is not heard of much in the United States. However, it is available in New York. It is a leaf that this chewed, causing individuals to feel high. It is however, dangerous, leading to conditions such as heart disease and anorexia. It comes from Ethiopia and Kenya. Pharmaceutical drug abuse is also a concern. The most commonly abused drug in New York of this type is not Oxycontin.