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Marijuana Addiction
Marijuana or cannabis is a plant which produces THC, a psychoactive. It is used by indivi...
Prescription Addiction
Pharmaceutical drug abuse has become problematic in recent years. Instead of purchasing d...
The drugs abused most in Kentucky are diverted pharmaceuticals, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana. Kentucky has a very large domestic marijuana operation within its borders. It is cultivated in large amounts, sold within the state and also shipped to states such as Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio as well as to the eastern part of the country.
Cocaine is found primarily in southeastern and the central portions of Kentucky. The majority of it comes in from states in the southwestern, southeastern and mid-western regions of the country. Heroin is not very problematic it Kentucky. It can be found but not in great quantities. The most common type sold and consumed is black tar heroin.
Methamphetamine abuse is present mostly in the southeastern and central portions of the state, though it can be found in other areas. Meth is shipped in from Atlanta, North Carolina and the Southwest region. Much of it has his origins in Mexico.
Southeastern Kentucky has the largest concentration of people addicted to pharmaceuticals. Oxycontin, Lortab, Vicodin and Lorcet are the ones most abused. Now, there are individuals with prescription addiction problems in other parts of the state. However, the problem is more pronounced in the southeastern portion of the state. Doctors shopping, fraudulent prescriptions and the Internet are how people obtain these types of drugs the most.
Club drugs such as LSD, ketamine, ecstasy and GHB is found mostly on college campuses and areas where there are a lot of teenagers and 20-somethings. As stated above, marijuana abuse is very problematic within the state, not only is it trafficked in Kentucky but it is also cultivated there and shipped to other parts of the United States. National forests lands are a hot spot for marijuana growers.