A good deal of the marijuana distributed within the state is grown right in Alabama. However, the majority of the drugs sold throughout the state are shipped in from elsewhere. Caribbean, Colombian, Mexican and African-American drug trafficking organizations are major players in the Alabama drug trade.
Cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana use is extremely problematic. A large amount of the cocaine is smuggled in from Georgia and Texas. Cocaine mostly arrives in powder form and is converted into crack after it reaches Alabama and then distributed throughout the state. Heroin use has recently increased. It is found mostly in Montgomery, Mobile and Birmingham. Methamphetamine currently poses the biggest threat to Alabama. Most of it is shipped in from Mexico and Texas.
Club drugs such as ecstasy, GHG, LSD and Ketamine has increased in usage mostly amongst teenagers and college-aged students. These popular ‘club drugs’ are used primarily at raves, clubs and on college campuses.
Marijuana is the drug abused most in Alabama. While some of it is shipped in from other states, a lot of it is grown right in Alabama. The state has the proper type of soil and climate conducive to growing very good crops. Law enforcement agencies have had to focus on eradicating these crops.
Pharmaceutical drug abuse and addiction is also present in Alabama. Hydrocodone is the one most heavily abused. However, Vicodin and Oxycontin are used quite a bit as well. Users are obtaining these types of drugs via doctor shopping, prescription forgery, the internet and from drug dealers.